Friday, October 25, 2002

The plan for today is to get out of work right when I am supposed to. I hope this is going to happen. I've not been able to get out on time 4 out of 5 days this last week...which is pretty typical. I guess I like to get things done before I leave...maybe this is wrong? I don't like loose ends, never have. Here is a current work scenario, please ask yourself if it makes sense to you: I work with people who are very environmentally aware (which is wierd because I work for the "man"). It is getting colder every day here in this small mountain town....Yesterday it was pretty brisk outside with some sleet and blowing rain...but, at three different times during the day was the thermostat changed from heat to cool and cool to heat...and then at one point the front door was open and the heat was on. I learned at an early age that if you are cold put on a sweatshirt or dress warmer in someone... I do not like this excessive use of energy when it is not needed. When all of my co-workers are in the office it stays around 65-70 degrees...a fine temp in my opinion. If I ran things I would turn off the heat and require that people dress for a cool office...saves money and energy...I am not an environmentalist by any sense of the word, but I am very much a general...if you do not need it or you can get it some easier more efficent way...efficency should win out...(not just economical efficiency either)...
Have a great weekend!

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