Thursday, October 17, 2002

Yesterday started off as usual, slow. But things got very exciting very fast. Before I knew I had a hundred things to do that needed to get done and needed to get done fast or I would be "letting down my customers". By all means I cannot do that! Especially when these problems could have been solved the day before with only the littlest bit of "elbow grease". Instead of assistance from others who were fully capapable of offering at the least 15 minutes of assistance to let me go get something to eat for lunch I heard the usual "I am too busy"(while playing a computer game), "I have Doctor's appointment", "I have a meeting"(which consists of sitting in the office talking to a friend from out of town on the phone"...only when I was done for the day and all the problems solved and disasters avoided was I asked if I needed any help. Oh I left for the afternoon I was told "thank you for all your help today". What help? I did not help do anything! I did it myself...enough of the lovely stories from the "real world"....

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